Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Scholarship Requirements


The South Carolina Summary Court Judges Association’s Executive Board has adopted the Scholarship Committee’s proposals and has re-established the Scholarship Fund.  Any member in good standing with our Association will be eligible for these scholarship funds.  Due to limitations on funds and because the purpose of this fund is to assist judges in getting their required CEUs, we will only offer scholarships to the Hickory Knob Conference in May of each year. 

The following criteria must be met in order to qualify as a recipient for the scholarship funds:

1.      The selections will be based on a judge’s individual needs.  The requesting judge will need to provide a copy of their CEU report for that year to document their need of hours.

2.      Must be a member of the South Carolina Summary Court Judges’ Association.

3.      Scholarship funding will be available for conference fee and lodging only (3 nights maximum).  Lodging fees will be at the negotiated one (1) Bedroom rate to be determined by the Treasurer or Secretary.  Any costs above this amount will be the responsibility of the requesting judge.  The only exception to this would be if more than one judge were sharing accommodations.

4.      Must request funding through the county or municipality before applying for scholarship assistance (documentation to support request from county/municipality must be provided).

5.      Only two (2) judges from the same county or municipality will be eligible to receive scholarship funding.

6.      The attached application must be completely filled out and mailed or faxed to the Scholarship Committee Chair no later than sixty (60) days prior to the requested school/conference.

The full committee will review all scholarship requests and a timely report will be made to the South Carolina Summary Court Judges’ Association’s Executive Board as to the scholarship recipients and amounts that have been awarded by the Association.

If you have any questions as to the requirements or the application, you may contact Judge Ernest O’Brien, Scholarship Committee Chairman at (864) 380-4783 or email him at

Updated:  November 4, 2024

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